Anton Paar develops, produces and distributes highly accurate laboratory instruments and process measuring systems, and provides custom-tailored automation and robotic solutions. It is the world leader in the measurement of density, concentration and CO2 and in the field of rheometry. Anton Paar GmbH is owned by the charitable Santner Foundation.
At Anton Paar GmbH, the self-evident integration of people with disabilities into the daily work routine is part of the company philosophy. Every year, around 42,000 euros are invested to find the appropriate solutions. For example, to optimally adapt the work equipment and the work environment. Together Anton Paar looks for fields of activity and create the conditions for the transfer of responsibility and independent work. In facts and figures, it is hard to see how Anton Paar implements its goals. Rather in soft skills. These include social interaction and the promotion of communication. Awareness is created that weaknesses are allowed and you still have opportunities, but also that the handling of people with disabilities decelerates. An important success factor is the talking together. The company management is aware that employees usually have much stronger points of contact with integrated people with disabilities. This makes it all the more important to keep all employees well informed and on board. Only in this way can integration be seen as a matter of course. Problems are addressed openly. Employees who work in direct contact with people with disabilities are particularly motivated and encouraged.